A couple of years ago, for my birthday, I prayed with women over their husbands along with my own every morning for 31 days. The prayer call was such a blessing to the women who signed up.
Since then, several women have clicked the link hoping to join in on the prayers. Unfortunately, there was no way to participate after those initial thirty-one days. But, today, that is no longer the case. I have taken the recordings from those calls and created an opportunity to receive them in your email. Did I mention it’s free?
That’s right. I said, “Free!” Just sign up on the form below and you’ll receive 31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband in your email.
What’s Included:
During the 31 days of prayer, you will receive:
- Weekly scriptures for continued meditation and prayer.
- Weekly playlist for worship time.
- Resources to continue praying for your husband.
Let’s Pray for your Husband And watch God move.
Sign up below.

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband
I'm so excited that you're interested in praying for your husband for 31 days. By signing up today you will receive weekly emails with the prayer scripture reference, prayer recordings, and a link to the weekly playlist.
Let's make hell nervous and change our husband's life.
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The power of a praying wife is immense and it s a power we don t use often enough. Prayer has the ability to change hearts and transform lives. Our husbands need our prayers, Ladies. In our over-sexualized, stressful culture they are bombarded with temptations and stresses everyday and he needs your help to overcome them. Here is how to pray for your husband for 31 days.