Again thank you for letting me take a break I feel so refreshed but when your mom calls asking where the blog post are you know the vacation is over. I want to share today about my experience with generic and specific prayers.
This story takes me back to 2015, in Kenya, when I went on a mission’s trip with my Atlanta church. The reward for our hard work was a trip to the Maasai Mara National Reserve for a safari excursion. Jeremiah, the guide for my small team, provided an overview of the major animals we would see during our 3 days out roaming. The big five were elephants, lions, African buffalo, rhinos, and leopards. He further stated it’s rare for people to see all the big five as it’s up to the animals to expose themselves and the most difficult to see were the lions and leopard.
To Generic, Pray Again
After he stated that leopards were rare, I knew I so badly wanted to see them. So I started to pray right there out loud. “Lord, allow us to see a leopard while out on safari.” One of the seasoned ladies of my team said, “That’s not specific enough, pray again.” I looked back at her and said ok, “Lord, allow us to see a leopard while out on safari, within safe proximity to our truck.”
So out we went for our evening journey after seeing a family of lions we got a call on the safari radio that there was a leopard sighting. Jeremiah hightail-sped over to the other side of the vast land but unfortunately we missed him. At that point I knew I had the ear of God. My mission’s team and I were excited.
On the second day, we had breakfast and got on the safari truck. Mr. James, one of the deacons at the church, mentioned this was his 5th safari and he had never seen a leopard. So I started to pray again, “Lord, let us see a leopard today while out on safari, let it be in safe proximity to the truck, and close enough for us to get a picture.” I added a few more details to prayer. We went out for morning safari no leopard. But during the evening safari, on the way to see the rhinos, I professed “It’s ok that we haven’t seen the leopards yet, when we come down from seeing the rhinos it will be there.”
Praise God, as soon as we came down from seeing the rhinos with the sun setting on the land we got a call on the safari radio, there was a leopard in the area. Now my heart was racing, camera around my neck, and standing in the truck as we forged ahead I was like a kid heading to see Mickey Mouse.
We arrived to the bush area where the leopard was located; unfortunately, the leopard just went back into the bushes a few minutes before we arrived.
But, let me tell you how God works. On first day of our safari trip, my roommate and I got lost on a dark path after nightfall trying to find the resort’s main lobby for dinner. This man, another resort guest, appears out of nowhere and helps to guide us to the lobby. Well this same guy was present to see the leopard right before it went into the bushes and got a picture on his camera. I asked him, as he told us of his experience, if I could get a copy of the picture.
After the brief exchange Jeremiah drove us to the backside of the bushes and there resting in the trees was the leopard but as I mentioned the sun was going down, so I could only capture the glowing of his eyes in the photo.
That evening back at the main lobby I was able to download the photo from the guy that helped me on the lost path. At that point, I realized God answered my prayer. I asked God to get a photo but I didn’t say with whose camera, I asked to see the leopard in close proximity that also happened. But I also knew I wanted to experience it up close and personal.

Specific prayers get the best results
The third and last morning out on the safari approached, we were flying out after our one-hour tour. I prayed again that morning out loud adding some additional details, “Lord, let me see a leopard today out on safari, in close and safe proximity, in the open where I can get a picture with my own camera.”
As we ventured out, the safari was absent of animals. There was a stillness about the land, the dew was resting on the grass, not a sound could be heard. All week every direction you turned there was a bird, antelope, zebra, some type of animal. From the looks of things today was going to be a bust. Then I said silently to myself, “Come on Lord, don’t let me down.”
After a while we got a call on the radio. There was another leopard sighting this was my last chance. As we got into the area another truck of our mission’s team said they saw him heading our way. As we waited quietly, a new truck pulled up extra loud, a family we hadn’t seen. They were talking loudly, which you know scares cats no matter the size. I tried not to let my frustrations get the best of me. I’ve been waiting two days for this and I hoped they wouldn’t ruin my experience.
Jeremiah, our guide, in his wisdom pulled off and went deep in the bushes. At this point, I was legitimately scared. Thinking to myself, “Has Jeremiah lost his mind! These are wild animals, this was definitely not the zoo. What if the leopard jumps out the trees?” Nonetheless in our patience what comes creeping through the bushes but the leopard. Close enough for me to see him with my own eyes; right next to the truck so I can get a picture with my own camera. He walked so calmly to ensure not only did I see him but I was able to relish in and admire his beauty.
After I finished clicking away, I wept with my hands shaking uncontrollably.
I cried because I was beyond grateful. I cried because that moment showed me if you ask with specificity, have faith, and wait God will answer your prayers, even when circumstances make it seem impossible.
What I learned besides the fact that God does answer prayers is:
- God truly rewards those who diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)
During the trip we were completing daily devotions and prayer, constantly in the presence of God. Seek God first and all that you need and ask will be given to you. (John 15:7)(Matthew 6:33)
- Make your prayers as specific as possible. (Matthew 21:22)
You may have to write them down to ensure you have tailored them to fit your desires
If you give God wide range, you’ll get wide range blessing.
- Profess that what is not as if it were.
We have power in our words. You get to decide life or death. (Proverbs 18:21)
- Even when it looks like it’s not possible keep the faith and trust God. (Hebrews 11:6) (Mark 11-22:24)
Visit my Maasai Mara National Reserves Photo Gallery to see additional photos from my trip.
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” ~John 15:7 NKJV
Thank you for sharing your epiphanic moments. Your insight provides guidance and clarity to many of the life challenges we all face on a daily basis. I implore you to continue to share your experiences, as these are valuable lessons we can all relate to.
Thank you for the encouragement, I’m elated that you found the post enlightening.
Love this!!