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Do42: The First 10 Days

Do42: The First 10 Days

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Hey everyone,

As promised, I’m providing an update on my first 10 days of Do42. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about click here.  Would you believe me if I told you I lost 7lbs in the first 10 days. I’m sure most of it was water but I’ll take it. No sugar and oils really go along way. Overall, the first 10 days went well but there are definitely some areas where I need to commit more.

The first 10 days food wise has been easy peasy for me, aside from the fact my boss brought Krispy Kreme donuts to work today, nothing a strong side-eye and head turn couldn’t cure. 

Kale Salad with Bean Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes, Hemp Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Edamame, and Goji Berries.
Kale Salad with Bean Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes, Hemp Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Edamame, and Goji Berries.

Handing out compliments ✔️. I’ve been handing out, “you look great” like Oprah was handing out cars in the 90’s. People love to receive compliments and they made me smile to give them.

So I’m sure by now you’re wondering what’s the problem Kimberly? Well aside from the fact that I haven’t worked out one day since the start of 2018, unless all the praise and worship that commenced at church revival counts.

I’ve also had an extra dose of the shady spirit poured out on me. It seems like everyone is irritating me to the max, a few people have tried to scam me (true facts), and work has been slightly crazy. Thus, I’ve said a few things about a few people that I probably shouldn’t have, ok ok that I absolutely should not have said.

Teddy Bear riding a unicornThe biggest challenge of this week, my prayer time. This last week we’ve experienced record cold days making my morning prayer time extremely difficulty. And since I’ve been trying to pray from my bed, my prayers have been more about teddy bears and unicorns than the serious things occurring in my city and life.

Quick question, does anyone else pray crazy things when they drift into half asleep while praying? Just me, oh ok.

I typically take my prayer life very serious. This is me admitting I need some grace. Tomorrow, by the sheer grace of God and some determination on my part. I will wake up and get out of bed to make my appointment with Jesus.

Now that I’ve laid out all my 10 day dirty laundry. Please pray for me as I continue on my journey of Do42. I have 32 days left and I need to workout and close my mouth.

How’s your journey with Do42? Did you commit something else to the Lord during this new year?

Comment below and let me know how I can pray for you.

Until next week!


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