Occasionally my husband and I movie swap; we share and movies that we don’t think the other person has seen. Well, tonight we watched The Joneses, a film about the power of stealth marketing, trying to keep up with the Joneses, and the impact it can have on your life.
The Joneses consist of a husband, wife, son, and daughter, all beautiful. They all work for an undercover marketing company. So, they move into this upper-middle-class community with the intent to make connections with people and sell them products. They believe if they can make people like them, they can sell them anything. The Joneses make friends in the community and begin showing off their beautiful home, picture-perfect family, golf clubs, cars, clothes, jewelry, and the general we-have-it-all lifestyle.
In the end, the next-door neighbor who tried to keep up with them ended up losing his house and racking up tons of credit card debt; due to the stress, he committed suicide.
I felt the need to bring this topic to the forefront because the Joneses in the movie are the modern-day Instagram and YouTube influencers. We are constantly being pulled into the lives of others. If we don’t guard our hearts and minds, we will find ourselves desiring to live out a life that can put us into debt, increase depression, and suicide.
We watch people on TV, social media, and sometimes people within our network – church, work, a friend of a friend living a particular lifestyle. We automatically assume that they are funding these lifestyles legitimately. And we covet and desire to have the same things, not fully understanding how they acquire these items and who’s supplying them.
Be Mindful of Social Media
Recent data as it relates to Facebook and Instagram was just released last week, stating, “FB has extensive internal research showing that Instagram is toxic for teens.” (Robinhood) Facebooks research consistently indicated Instagram was harmful to users’ body image and increased suicide rates. Even with this data, Facebook is working on launching IG Kids.
I also want to share a few money facts. According to the US Census, the median household income was $67,521 in 2020. And only about 30.7% of households earned over $100,000 in 2020.
What Does Scripture Say?
So I just wanna encourage you today. To guard your heart. Understand the job of corporations is to market and increase profits by any means necessary. Even if that means you go into debt, depression, or worse, you no longer see your life as worth living due to your inability to live the life of a small few.
Here is a little scripture, of course, the old school 10 Commandments that state we should not covet our neighbors’ wives or our neighbor’s goods.
In Matthew 4: 7-8, Jesus was in the wilderness, and the devil tempted him with worldly possessions prematurely. Jesus knew he would inherit a kingdom, but satan was offering him one with false gains. The enemy does nothing new under the sun. The way he tempted Jesus is the same way he will seduce you.
Please, don’t get me wrong worldly possessions aren’t harmful to have. When we place them on a pedestal and begin to obsess over these lifestyles and people, we make them idols in our lives. We become emotionally attached, and it becomes dangerous. It is at this point that we open up our hearts to temptation.
Surrendering Our Desires to God
So what do we do with our desires? We should be surrendering each desire to God and let him tell us whether this is something he wants for us to have or wants to take it away. Ask God to purify the desires in your heart. Practically what does that look like? Say a pray like, “God, I would like this new Range Rover. I surrender my desires at your feet. If this desire is not of you, Lord, I ask that you take it away. Lord, if you desire something else for me, I open myself in my heart to hear your will.”
Then you give God time and space. Be open to better or for God to say, “You have all you need.” Paul says it’s essential for us to live in contentment. Often times we find ourselves praying for things that are outside of our budget. Trust me, I’m not judging; I’ve been there. We have to also remember we serve a particle God of stewardship. When we manage the little well, he gives us more.
Questions to Ask Before Making A Purchase
So the next time you see an IG “must-have” as yourself these questions:
- Can I truly afford this item with cash? (Not the new buy now pay in small payments.)
- Do I need a loan for this item?
- Will buying this item or increasing my credit payments cause me not to save for retirement or my rainy day fund?
- Will it place you and a posture of being above your means?
If the answer is yes to 2-4, God doesn’t need to give you an answer because it’s in the practical principles.
So, I want to encourage you to invest wisely, spend prudently, and be mindful of the habits stealth marketers are trying to shape in your life. People are so overburdened by debt, trying to live a lifestyle that genuinely only a select few can afford.
With proper planning and budgeting, some of these things can be yours now. But some things may need to wait, and that’s ok too. Be released today from the pressures to have it all.
With Christmas right around the corner, start to have honest conversations with your family, now if your Money is tight. Either agree not to give gifts, draw one name, or set a price limit.
Bonus Budget Tips
Be careful not to overspend on gifts
Make a calendar of upcoming birthday’s or events that you know you want to celebrate. Start saving or shopping for items on sale. Save and plan for it.
Never buy anything on impulse.
- If you want something plan for it. We live in an instant society. Just charge it is the motto. We have to get back to the basics.
- Wait at least three days before purchasing items over $50.
- For items under $50 use the 30 Minute Rule: If you see something you “have to have,” wait 30 minutes, then if you still can’t live without it—make the purchase.
- One of the best ways to help prevent this is to make a shopping list and stick to it. I also say just because its on sale doesn’t mean you need it. And if you don’t need it then its technically not on sale.
How to Construct your Budget
- If you bring home $1000 a month
- 500 should go towards your housing expenses
- 300 towards your fun time
- 200 towards your savings/debt
- Depending on our current debt status sometimes you may have to scarfice a few months and only have 20% for fun so you can put 30% towards saving and debt.
- Make sure you always budget to zero. Even if you have an expense that is $0.99 a month write it down.
- Be aware of your due dates.

No Spend November
We’ve been outside, and quite honestly a few of us have spent way too much. Join me in No Spend November and reset your finances.
No Spend November is about cutting out nonessential spending and saving a few bucks.
Sign up below for weekly finance tips all November.
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