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5 Ways to Gain Spiritual Clarity

5 Ways to Gain Spiritual Clarity

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Life has a way of throwing mud on your windshield, blocking your view of the future ahead.

As we go through life and experience sour relationships, disappointments, childhood trauma, and make poor decisions, to name a few, each experience is equivalent to having mud, heck even rocks, thrown at us as we drive through the journey of life.

In our own understanding, we attempt to clear and push pass the mud, turning on the windshield wipers. With our faith in the Word operating as windshield fluid, we make efforts to keep driving. But, with each experience our windshield becomes dirtier and in some cases even broken by the harder hits of life.

At this point we’re driving slower, feeling insecure, and moments of doubt, unsure of the direction of which were going. And although our GPS (God’s voice) is leading us, if our windshield is dirty we are unsure if we are making the right turn, unable to see the road clearly, and what destruction lies ahead.

Take a Pit-Stop

Car Being Serviced at a Pit StopWith the multitude of things that come our way, every now and then we have to stop and allow God to thoroughly clean our proverbial windshields. This allows us to gain clear vision of where we are going and the opportunities available to us.

The windshield I’m talking about today is our minds and even for some, our faith. Negative experiences have a way of clouding our perception of what our future can hold. We start to believe that those experiences are the only reality possible for the future; even though God’s voice is given us a promise or leading us in a new direction. We let doubt and insecurity set in causing us to delay following through or seeking with diligence what God has for us.

When we don’t take the time to pause between major decisions, relationships, or just in life. Our minds become cloudy, like the smeared windshield, and we can’t think or hear God clearly. Our insecurities and fears become our road-map to a destination we never intended to explore. We look up wondering why our idea never came to pass or why we’re still at the job we don’t like.

Below are 5 ways you can allow God to illuminate and provide clarity for your path.

Five (5) ways Gain to Spiritual Clarity:

Clean your mind, body, and soul from experiences that are holding you back from God’s promises.

1. Increase your prayer time – you knew this would be on my list. It’s something about spending regular time with God in prayer that washes your soul and gives you peace and clarity that you can’t get anywhere else.

2. Take a retreat/sabbatical – read about my no talk sabbatical here. Although your sabbatical does not have to be that extreme, taking time to yourself and disconnecting is very important for your mental health.

3. Complete the Surrender Fast – This fast is not your typical fast. The 40 Day Surrender Fast devotionals lead you through an introspective and transformational discovery. I promise you your life will not be the same.

4. Journal –  Make a list of situations you would like God to heal and ask for God’s help to address each one. Journal about the things in life that are weighing you down. This activity can help you pin-point the areas where you need to ask for God’s help.

5. Forgiveness – Ask God for a spirit of forgiveness and to show you who you still need to forgive. For some of us this will be like getting a whole new windshield.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Remember self-care is important. Just as you would take your car for a tune-up we too need spiritual maintenance.

What tip are you willing to implement this month?

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Anita Miller

A great way to begin!

January 31, 2018

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