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Where to Start Reading the Bible – Part 1

Where to Start Reading the Bible – Part 1

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The question I get asked the most about reading the Bible is, “where should I begin?” If you were anything like me, when elders in the church would tell me to read the Bible I would start in Genesis and by the time I hit Leviticus I was over it. While Genesis and Exodus were interesting and at time juicy, Leviticus bored me and I would give up.

During church I would read a little pass the scripture for the sermon and that was the extent of my Bible reading. Carry the Bible on Sundays then try to remember where I sat it down for the next church service.

My interest in reading the Bible increased when my aunt got sick and asked me to host a family bible study.  I was attending church and bible study regularly at this point in my walk, so I felt slightly prepared for the task. I would dissect chapters in the Bible and research scriptures to teach my family the true meaning behind the stories.

But, I must say my thirst to digest the word and not just read it sparked when I went to Kenya on a mission’s trip. Those young students -middle school age- were quoting scriptures left and right, not just short ones but passages. Not that I was comparing myself to them, but I thought if these young people can store the word of God in their hearts, what’s my excuse? Why am I not committed to reading?

Over the last three years, I have committed to daily readings rather a devotional, a scripture, or several chapters. With that commitment, I noticed my love for Christ has increased, my desire to follow his principles, and the way I treat others have changed.

Experiencing the positive changes in my life, I wish someone would have clearly explained to me the importance of reading the Bible, daily, early in my Christian walk. I have found the Bible builds you in the following ways.

five reasons to read the bible

  • It tells us how we should live as Christians, what’s the expectation, clarifies sin, and transforms our hearts and thinking to align with God.
  • It’s our source of wisdom and strength for this walk which we know can get difficult at times.
  • It’s the source of building your faith in God.
  • It helps us to understand the characteristics of God and his son Christ which enhances our worship. When you know who God is, it’s easier to profess your love and state why.
  • It powers our prayer life. When you pray using the scriptures as your guide, you know you are praying the will of God. 1 John 5:14 says, “If we ask according to His will, He hears us.” I definitely want God to hear me.

Start reading in the New testament

Are you excited about getting into the Bible? I hope your answer at this point is, YES!!  So where do you start?  As I mentioned, I previously started at the beginning but many Bible scholars say the Old Testament is the hardest for new readers to digest.

I personally recommend that novice readers start with the New Testament. The New Testament provides you with all the details of living this Christian life. It explains who Jesus is; the miracles he performed; his death, burial, and resurrection, which is the foundation of your salvation.

Here is a list of chapters I recommend you read to build your basic understanding of Christ:

New Testament

Mark – is the shortest book of the gospels, yet it provides a detailed overview of the life and works of Jesus. I consider Mark to be the cliff notes of the gospels, while Luke is the dissertation.

John – provides you with insight on the power of Jesus Christ, his promises connected to salvation, and highlights significant miracles performed by Him.

James – is another short book. It briefly describes how you should live your life as a Christian containing topics of taming your tongue, faith, and caring for others.

Romans – I consider this book to be significant as it contains the “Roman Roads to Salvation”, as series of scriptures used to share Christ with new believers. In reading this book you will understand what is required to be saved, living a life free of sin, and identify spiritual gifts.

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. ~John 1:1-4

Where have you started reading the Bible in the past? Are there other books you I found helpful in building your foundation with Christ? Share your experience and thoughts in the comments below.

Comments (2)

If you start reading by the so-called “New Testament” you miss all the essential things!

February 13, 2017

    Thank you, Kerbany, for your perspective. Where do you like to encourage others to start?

    February 13, 2017

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