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Whole-Hearted Obedience

Whole-Hearted Obedience

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When God says move will you give him a full yes?

IMG_1431I am currently in this women’s ministry at church called Queen Esther. It is an 18-month, women in the bible study, program with a couple of breaks in between. Well in preparation for our summer break we were assigned to read the book “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” by Lysa TerKeurst. Well, my book came in the mail and wanted to know what I was required to read I flip through the book and stop on the chapter Radical Obedience, as I was reading the chapter I was thinking “Man this is so good, amen sister, convict my spirit right now”. (This is an awesome read by the way, you really should pick it up)

So this was a Wednesday that I read the book all committed to following God and His every word. With the mindset of I got this do what God tells you be the obedient if even it hurts. Sunday I went to church with my boyfriend our normal routine, Saturday was his birthday, so we went to brunch with some friends. Leaving brunch, he suggested we go take a walk at the National Mall (Washington, DC).

Ok so…back-story, my boyfriend had just come back from a week long vacation with his family that Friday night, before that his friend was in town for a week, my work life was super busy, church requirements here and there. I felt as though we hadn’t spent much time together. Ok back to the subject at hand. 

Obedience is Better than Sacrifice

Well this was 4th Sunday and our church has evening communion service. I had to miss last month’s communion as one of my friends was rushed to the hospital. As we are walking up to the monuments, my spirit is screaming in my head, “You know you are suppose to go to communion tonight! Don’t forget you have communion! You really should mention communion!” But again all I can think is how much time we haven’t spent together. We are walk around laughing, catching up, find a spot in the grass, reflecting on the time we’ve been together.

We have now relaxed for 45 minutes; I still haven’t mentioned church. I look at my phone and see it is 5:45pm church starts at 6:30pm. We are 45 minutes from church. Finally, I say “babe, I’m really should go to communion, you know I didn’t go last month.” His response was ok we should leave now. Still wanting to enjoy his company I say oh we can leave by 6:15pm. What was I saying?

Not only did God remind me I need to be at communion, He reminded me 45 minutes ago when we first arrived for our afternoon stroll. I could have mentioned it then left at 5:45pm and made it to church on time. But my disobedient self was enjoying the time I was spending with my boyfriend.

Another caveat, communion service is typically old fashion church, the place gets to rocking its so live. We arrive at church, late of course, and just as expected the spirit was all in the place; people dancing, shouting, truly worshipping the Lord. I just caught the tail end of worship. Sitting there preparing my mind for communion, I had to ask for forgiveness. God wanted me to experience his Glory, to be in a posture of worship with fellow believers. Instead of experiencing and being filled with His glory, I only got a glimpse of Him that day.

See God wanted my radical obedience so he could give me the full blessing of His overwhelming presence. Instead, I gave Him half-hearted yes. I just hope I remember this lesson the next time He tells me to move. I want the WHOLE THANG not just a glimpse.

When God says move will you give him a full yes?

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