Christian fasting isn’t just about not eating. It’s about surrendering your desires to grow closer to God. Check out my latest interview with Melissa Jackson of The Fasting Lyfe as I share 5 tips for successful fasting.
5 Tips for Christian Fasting

Christian fasting isn’t just about not eating. It’s about surrendering your desires to grow closer to God. Check out my latest interview with Melissa Jackson of The Fasting Lyfe as I share 5 tips for successful fasting.
In this episode of Balancing Life with Christ, I am joined by Derronda, Melissa, and Namir to discuss our experiences with deliverance and the lessons from the book Pigs in the Parlor. This episode highlighted the Seven Ways to Determine if You Need Deliverance, Unforgiveness, and the importance of transparency.
Are you ready to go to the next level in your relationship with God, but just not sure where to start? The answer is always a simple one, so simple it seems too good to be true. It all starts with a desire to commit. Read more to see what committing looks like.
Find out what God is seeking to do in you and read, listen, pray about that thing for the equivalent of 27,000 times your current capacity. This metamorphosis will cost you something.
Do you want God to marvel at your faith or unbelief? Now it’s time to walk in DIVINE CLARITY. Join us for the 2020 Vision Fast. Let’s watch how God transforms our perspective of faith in the natural and supernatural!
Hey There, I hope you’ve been following all the amazing content that has come by way of the podcast. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed sharing the wisdom of God via my voice….
Each year for my birthday I sit back and reflect on the year past and set goals for my new year. This year has been a little different in that the goals established aren’t mine but God’s. He is pushing me to the limit.
There comes a point when we hit a level of spiritual maturity that we start to slack off because we believe we’ve arrived or life just seems to get in the way. Either way, today I encourage you to get back to and remain in the basics.
God is constantly putting me in a place to sharpen my obedience and faith. These last few months, the lesson He taught me was, “just move! I’ll explain later.” Let…
Have you have packed your schedule so tight that you’ve questioned, “why did I say yes to all this?” Unfortunately that’s my life more often that not and it leaves…
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