In part 1, I shared five reasons you should read your bible daily and where to start in the New Testament. Part 2 provides insight on what to read next and how to find the perfect translation.
Where to Start Reading the Bible – Part 2

In part 1, I shared five reasons you should read your bible daily and where to start in the New Testament. Part 2 provides insight on what to read next and how to find the perfect translation.
The question I get asked the most about reading the Bible is, “where should I begin?” Experiencing the positive changes in my life, I wish someone would have clearly explained to me the importance of reading the Bible, daily, early in my Christian walk.
In the story of Martha and Mary, Martha was busy working to serve Jesus while Mary sat at his feet listening to his teachings. Martha asked Jesus, why aren’t you making…
Do you Seek to Live a Life Connected to Christ? To live a life connected with Christ you must set your self apart from the world; commit to following Him when others won’t; and consistently seek Him.
God showed me His perfect timing, the power of the Holy Spirit, He stills answers prayers, and ultimately confirmed my gift of intercession. I am grateful that God was able to use me to teach other’s about the love of God and most importantly participant in bringing them into His salvation.
God is always up to something. So tomorrow is my last day of school and I have been all excited because I will only have one class left to get…
See God wanted my radical obedience so he could give me the full blessing of His overwhelming presence. Instead, I gave Him half-hearted yes. I just hope I remember this lesson the next time He tells me to move. I want the WHOLE THANG not just a glimpse.
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